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Kolovoz 2007 (1)
Srpanj 2007 (1)


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Ringo, John, George & Paul

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Prijašnji postevi

I Saw Her Standing There
Posveta Lind Eastman McCartney
Paul is dead!

Sumnjivo, sumnjivo
A Starr was born
John Lennon
The "fifth Beatle"

Mini Biografije

John Lennon
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Ime: John Winston Lennon (kasnije promijenjeno u John Ono Lennon)
Datum rođenja: 9.10.1940. Liverpool, Engleska
Datum smrti: 8.12.1980. New York, USA
Visina: 178 cm
Supruga: Yoko Ono
Bivša supruga: Cynthia Powell
Sinovi: Julian Lennon (Cyn) i Sean Lennon(Yoko)

Paul McCartney
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Ime: James Paul McCartney
Datum rođenja: 18.6.1942. Liverpool, Engleska
Visina: 178 cm
Supruga: Linda Eastman McCartney
(preminula 17.4.1998. s 57 godina)
Bivša supruga: Heather Mills
Djeca: Heather McCartney (Lindina kćer iz 1. braka)
Mary McCartney
Stella McCartney
James Louis McCartney
Beatrice Milly McCartney (kćer s Heather)

George Harrison
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Ime: George Harold Harrison
Datum rođenja: 25.2.1943. Liverpool, Engleska
Datum smrti: 29.11.2001. (58 godina) L.A., USA
Visina: 178 cm
Supruga: Pattie Boyd
Sin: Dhani Harrison

Ringo Starr

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Ime: Richard Starkey Jr.
Datum rođenja: 7.7.1940.
Visina: 173 cm
Supruga: Barbara Bach
Bivša supruga: Maureen Starkey (3 djece)
Djeca: Zak Starkey
Jason Starkey
Lee Starkey


- uskoro


The Beatles Official Site
Paul McCartney Official Site
John Lennon Official Site
George Harrison Official Site
Ringo Starr Official Site
Pete Best Official Site
Start Sutcliffe Official Site (uskoro)


Lizzy - moj osobni blog
Beatles (Yesterday and Today)
Hippie djevojka
Matea (novi fan)
Zaprešić Expres Band
John Lennon
Penny Lane
Petar Pan
Grungerica Lily

VIDEO KRONOLOGIJA ili kako su se mijenjali

Money (With The Beatles)

Can´t Buy Me Love (A Hard Day´s Night)

Eight Days a Week (Beatles For Sale)

Ticket to Ride (Help!)

Girl (Rubber Soul)

Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds (SPLHCB)

I´m Only Sleeping (Revolver)

I Am The Walrus (Magical Mistery Tour)

Dear Prudence (The White Album)

Hey Bulldog (Yellow Submarine)

Something (Abbey Road)

The Long and Winding Road (Let It Be)

petak, 10.08.2007.

Paul McCartney plaća 733 milijuna

Kao što ste već sigurno mogli pročitati u svim novinama i časopisima, Sir Paul McCartney platit će bivšoj ženi Heather Mills 733 milijuna dolara! Paul više ne želi da ga Heather blati po medijima, te joj je pristao dati ovoliku svotu novca. Njihov razvod je izgleda naskuplji do sada u britanskoj povijesti. Prisjetimo se i da je Heather Paula optužila za zlostavljanje za vrijeme njihovog četverogodišnjeg braka. Izjavila je medijima kako se Paul voli popiti, te se opustit uz marihuanu. Čini mi se da je jedina dobra stvar koja je proizašla iz tog braka njihova trogodišnja kći Beatrice Milly. Heather je Paula na početku brakorazvodne parnice tražila "tek" 300 milijuna eura, a izašla je sa 733 milijuna dolara. Paulu je bila važna samo njihova kći, te je tražio skrbništvo nad malom Beatrice. Želim samo napomenuti kako su Paulova ostala djeca od početka bila protiv ovog braka govoreći kako se Heather udala za njega samo zbog novca.
Što još reći nego; Paul, slijedeći put slušaj djecu!

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nedjelja, 08.07.2007.

Memory Almost Full

Novi CD sir Paula McCartney je izašao i zove se Memory Almost Full.

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Novi CD sadrži 13 novih pjesama :

1 Dance Tonight - prvi hit
2 Ever Present Past
3 See Your Sunshine
4 Only Mama Knows
5 You Tell Me
6 Mr Bellamy
7 Gratitude
8 Vintage Clothes
9 That Was Me
10 Feet in the Clouds
11 House of Wax
12 The End od the End
13 Nod Your Head

Evo što sir Paul kaže:

"In the web site constructed for the album, McCartney stated: "I actually started this album, Memory Almost Full, before my last album Chaos and Creation in the Backyard, released September 2005. (…) When I was just finishing up everything concerned with Chaos and had just got the Grammy nominations (2006) I realized I had this album to go back to and finish off. So I got it out to listen to it again, wondering if I would enjoy it, but actually I really loved it. All I did at first was just listen to a couple of things and then I began to think, 'OK, I like that track – now, what is wrong with it?' And it might be something like a drum sound, so then I would re-drum and see where we would get to. (…) In places it's a very personal record and a lot of it is retrospective, drawing from memory, like memories from being a kid, from Liverpool and from summers gone. The album is evocative, emotional, rocking, but I can't really sum it up in one sentence". Critics maintained the album had a really Wings-esque sound, as 1997's Flaming Pie was a Beatles-inspired project.There were also comparisons to The Beatles' Abbey Road, as the medley of five songs in the second part of the album resembles the famous song suite. Memory Almost Full is an anagram of "for my soulmate LLM" (the initials of Linda Louise McCartney). When asked if this was intentional, McCartney replied; "Some things are best left a mystery". In an interview with Pitchfork Media, McCartney clarified, "I must say, someone told me [there is an anagram], and I think it's a complete mystery, because it's so complete. There does appear to be an anagram in the title. And it's a mystery. It was not intentional." The album's title was actually inspired by a message that came up on his mobile phone. He thought the phrase summed up modern life.

McCartney revealed in late June 2007 that "See Your Sunshine" "is pretty much an out-and-out love song for Heather. A lot of the album was done before, during and after our separation. I didn't go back and take out any songs to do with her."

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